xyHt Magazine Digital Edition: December 2021

Like a good surveyor, xyHt‘s December issue covers a lot of ground.

This month we bring you stories about surveying, lidar, legal issues and an in-depth look at the emerging post-processing kinematic technology.

As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy, don’t fret, here is the digital edition. Click here or on the cover to the right, to view the December 2021 issue of xyHt magazine; or better yet, click here to have us send you a free copy of the print issue.

Here are some highlights:

  • Which is Best: RTK or PPK?: Know your PPK from your RTK: how GPS correction systems are changing our understanding of landscapes.
  • DisLocatedSo how did Minnesota get that top hat? It’s called the Northwest Angle and it’s an interesting surveying story.
  • One Smart CityStreet-level imagery and GIS technologies are turning Philadelphia into one smart city.

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