Aiming Beyond the Sale

Elevating Service and Trust in Today’s Geospatial Equipment Market

In today’s market, the relationship between dealers and manufacturers is a unique differentiator for businesses. When these partnerships are built on service, support, and trust, success is inevitable. Dealers who understand this can weather market storms and experience growth.

“Relationships are everything!” That’s how Bryce Scala, Manager at Selby’s, feels about relationships with manufacturers. As a premier provider of Architectural, Engineering, and Construction supplies and services in Montana, Selby’s must be confident in the reliability of the solutions they sell and the support they can deliver to customers. Selby’s is a GeoMax distributor.

“GeoMax believes in that relationship with their dealers. It’s how they function. It’s part of their culture,” he said.

When precision is paramount, surveyors depend on tools to work when they need them. In such scenarios, trust between dealers and manufacturers is crucial. This trust is a reciprocal relationship where parties are committed to mutual success.

Dealers must be confident the equipment from manufacturers meets high standards and performs reliably in the field. As a result, dealers are more likely to endorse products and build stronger customer loyalty.

“When I know I have the backing of GeoMax, and I know what the support is like with GeoMax, I have no problem pushing their product,” said Scala.

“If I’ve been burned by a manufacturer, or I knew it was going to be a big hassle to get support, I might push something else. But it’s always been really positive with GeoMax.”

By fostering trust, parties can leverage each other’s strengths—manufacturers produce high-quality equipment, while dealers deliver that equipment to professionals who depend on it daily.

Manufacturers also play a role by providing resources and training to dealers, allowing them to better support their customers. A dealer versed in product updates and troubleshooting can provide solutions, adding value to clients.

For business owners, service is more than just a department—it’s a philosophy. It binds dealer-manufacturer relationships.

Service continues beyond the sale. Scala’s experience with GeoMax confirms this point.

“Customer support with GeoMax is fantastic. It’s not a big convoluted process to get help and support and service from them. They’re super responsive. You send their support team a quick text or a quick email, and within minutes they back to you.”

Why should dealers prioritize these relationships? The benefits of strengthening service and trust with manufacturers include customer satisfaction, efficiency, innovation, and growth.

With trustworthy manufacturers, dealers can offer reliable products and exceptional service, leading to satisfied customers who will return and refer others.

Strong partnerships streamline communication and problem-solving, reducing downtime and operational hiccups.

Trust and service foster an environment where ideas and improvements thrive, driving innovation.

By adapting to technological advancements and market needs together, dealers and manufacturers can proactively address challenges and seize new opportunities. This approach keeps both parties ahead of the curve, benefiting everyone involved, including the end-user.

Get five practical tips you can start implementing today, that will strengthen your manufacturer relationships and give you an edge over your competition.

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