Founders of Atlas – 2025 Young Geospatial Professionals

Harald Rieber, Fredrik Moger, Marius Hofgaard, and Vegard J. Løwe

Company: Atlas
Current position: Founders
Age: 20-something             
Education: All three graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

GIS can now be considered a legacy product, but these guys are trying to make it cool again by promoting browser-based map-making with their Atlas platform. This is a very forward-looking product and could compete with the legacy GIS providers.

These four founded Atlas because they wanted to show the world that it is possible to push the needle on renewables through purely digital solutions. After starting in the renewables sector, Atlas is now launching GIS solutions for many other verticals, like real estate, journalism, and forestry management.

Rieber’s passion is to develop cool things, and this has come in many forms, like creating rock bands, organizing events, and starting Atlas. Before venturing on his mapping journey, Rieber had created a light-show startup. The technical part was alluring, understanding how things worked, and being able to manipulate the environment to fit the business goal always gave him the feeling that he was the master of his small little universe. The culmination of these passions became Atlas.

Hofgaard enjoys combining his technological interests with the development of renewable energy. He is always interested in hearing perspectives on how GIS can accelerate processes both for the of new renewable energy and other industries.

Moger and Løwe are motivated by constantly striving to be curious, creative, and innovative. Atlas may be the new standard for GIS software. Atlas is for analysts, cartographers, planners, managers, teachers, or anyone who is looking to create a map, analyze geospatial data, or just tell a story.

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