Category Archives: Surveying

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40 Under 40, 2017: Todd Foster

MANAGING DIRECTOR AT MILESTONE SURVEY AUSTRALIA IN THIS YEAR’S ISSUE we had been looking for individuals or firms successful in taking advantage of modernization and maintaining high standards and best practices—boosting efficiency without compromising fun- damentals. Milestone Survey and its managing director Todd Foster fit the bill. In addition to offering traditional surveying services, Milestone...

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40 Under 40, 2017: Sami Mantere

CADASTRAL SURVEYOR AT NATIONAL LAND SURVEY FINLAND SURVEYING MAY BE TURNING HIGH- TECH, but often a major part of the appeal to join the profession comes from an appreciation of land and nature. Sami Mantere hails from a small village in northern Finland, where his hobbies were based on nature; nowadays hunting and trekking prominently...

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40 Under 40, 2017: Heidi Jackson

SURVEY TECHNICIAN AT NORTHSTAR LAND SURVEYING OREGON, USA LIKE MANY SURVEYORS, Heidi Jackson took a scenic route to the profession. Growing up on a family farm in Wisconsin, she developed a love of the outdoors. While earning a BA in geography, she sought as her final project to map ideal locations to move to after...

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40 Under 40, 2017: Diana Bečirević

SURVEYING ENGINEER CROATIA DIANA BECIREVIC’ IS A PROACTIVE ENGINEER, with a BS and an MS in geodesy and geoinformatics from the Faculty of Geodesy, Croatia. She also served as the editor-in-chief of a student magazine that encouraged cooperation between academia and the private sector, which is still active today. After school, at a surveying equipment...

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40 Under 40, 2017: Frank Ferrantello

PRESIDENT OF FERRANTELLO PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND LAND PLANNERS NEW YORK, USA EXECUTING LAND AND CIVIL DESIGN in and around one of the world’s largest metropolises is not for the faint-hearted. Dizzying sky-scrapers, massive public works, rapidly expanding high-end residential complexes, intensely complex survey records, and regulatory and permitting processes: these are in the wheelhouse of...

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40 Under 40, 2017: Bohan Wu

SUPPORT ENGINEER AT TRIMBLE GERMANY DO YOU EVER WONDER who support specialists at your dealers and manufacturers turn to when they’re stumped? Support engineers like Bohan Wu are the vital lifeline for them. People working in the product lines of Trimble infrastructure (reference networks and monitoring) sometimes characterize a technical conundrum as a “Bohan-level” question....