Category Archives: Surveying

Polar Motion Studies and NOAA’s Legacy of International Scientific Cooperation: Ukiah and Gaithersburg Latitude Observatories

Above image: A panoramic view of the Ukiah Observatory Park shortly before its dedication in April 2014. Credit: City of Ukiah archives. Editor’s note: Dana J. Caccamise II is the NGS regional geodetic advisor to California and Nevada. Dana has been instrumental in assisting the City of Ukiah with bringing their latitude observatory back to life to...

Hans Martin Zogg

Hans Martin Zogg

Business Director for TPS, Leica Geosystems Switzerland Even though he’s “not a splashy guy” according to his nominator, Hans Martin Zogg has achieved a responsible, key position within the Leica Geosystems geomatics business in a short time. Most notably, he has been the product manager for the MultiStation product line, which combines a total station...

Infrastructure, BIM, and the Brothers Bentley

Infrastructure—the human footprint on the planet, the processes, systems, instrumentalities and built environment we inhabit—makes our lives possible. It provides the foundation for the lives we hope to live in the near and distant future. Modern infrastructure is the global tendrils of humanity, reaching all corners of the globe and binding us together in our...

Outlook January 2018 cover

You Do What?

Outlook 2018 Editorial When you tell non-geo people what you do for a living, many of them probably respond with, “You do what?” It’s not an affront, and it’s perfectly understandable. Our geospatial work is often perceived as obscure and esoteric. Let’s face it: the geospatial world has evolved rapidly in the past century, even...

Topcon IoT Construction

IoT for Construction

Greater interconnectivity is transforming the way we go about construction. Probably the best definition of the Internet of Things (IoT) appears in a Forbes magazine article written by the futurist Jacob Morgan; it’s the concept of “connecting any device with an on and off switch to the internet (and/or to each other).” This includes everything from...

Raw field data from GNSS, total stations, and scanning can be processed and combined in a single environment using Trimble Business Center.

Geospatial Data United

Industry trends are moving toward consolidated environments for data visualization, processing, and management. From the title you might get the impression this article is about a soccer team. To geospatial professionals, however, the title phrase could describe an ideal situation—the ability to handle all geospatial data in a common software environment. A soccer team is made up...