Category Archives: Surveying

Watching the 4th Dimension

Tech tools for capturing change over time are changing… over time. Editor’s note: “The Purpose of Time Is to Prevent Everything from Happening at Once” is the title of a poem by X. J. Kennedy. But what if we want to know—all at once—everything that has happened at a particular location over time, for engineering...

Kellen McNally

Kellen McNally

Owner, Productions on Point, New Jersey, USA Surveyors have a knack for noticing things out of place, out of plumb, and laid out poorly. Kellen McNally got the idea for Productions on Point while watching inefficient layout practices for entertainment festivals. Staging, tenting, lighting, sound, and power fixtures for festivals need to be precisely placed, especially...

Nicole Kinsman

Nicole Kinsman

Regional Advisor, National Geodetic Survey, NOAA/NOS Alaska, USA Alaska is a land of extremes, a land of both challenges and opportunities for the bold and adventurous. A combination of rapid plate tectonics, active volcanoes, glacial rebound, and remoteness makes mapping, surveying, and geodesy often extremely challenging. Nicole “Nic” Kinsman is the regional advisor for the...

Polar Motion Studies and NOAA’s Legacy of International Scientific Cooperation: Ukiah and Gaithersburg Latitude Observatories

Above image: A panoramic view of the Ukiah Observatory Park shortly before its dedication in April 2014. Credit: City of Ukiah archives. Editor’s note: Dana J. Caccamise II is the NGS regional geodetic advisor to California and Nevada. Dana has been instrumental in assisting the City of Ukiah with bringing their latitude observatory back to life to...

Hans Martin Zogg

Hans Martin Zogg

Business Director for TPS, Leica Geosystems Switzerland Even though he’s “not a splashy guy” according to his nominator, Hans Martin Zogg has achieved a responsible, key position within the Leica Geosystems geomatics business in a short time. Most notably, he has been the product manager for the MultiStation product line, which combines a total station...

Infrastructure, BIM, and the Brothers Bentley

Infrastructure—the human footprint on the planet, the processes, systems, instrumentalities and built environment we inhabit—makes our lives possible. It provides the foundation for the lives we hope to live in the near and distant future. Modern infrastructure is the global tendrils of humanity, reaching all corners of the globe and binding us together in our...