Category Archives: Surveying

Positively Surveying: A 2020 Vision for Geospatial Professions

I’m imagining a world. It’s not a dream. It’s coming, and soon. One in which we bring data from the field and step into a virtual reality (VR) environment made by our data points that we uploaded to the cloud. Where we’re crafting and sharing our surveys in 3D and real-time, in collaboration with surveyors...

Outlook 2020’s 40 Under 40

The following is xyHt’s 2020 collection of 40 under 40: profiles of motivated and accomplished young professionals under 40 years of age. Click on each name to view their profiles below. Kwabena Obeng Asiam Researcher & Lecturer – Leibniz University Published PhD candidate in land administration; FIG Young Surveyors Ghana Evaluating the evidence and making...

What’s Your BHAG for 2020?

It just dawned on me: 2020 isn’t just a new year but the start of a new decade. Now is a perfect time to start planning for it. Let’s start with that cryptic headline: Just what the heck is a BHAG? A Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a concept developed by acclaimed business researcher...

Hard Hat anniversary

A century later, the company that invented the hard hat is still saving lives through innovation, from the top down. It’s been a century since the hard hat’s invention, and the cumulative effect of the lifesaving creation is incalculable. The hard hat was born from an American soldier’s experience in World War I. While serving...

Surveying Degree Requirement: How Is That Working Out?

As we come to the end of another decade, I decided I would really stir it up for this edition of Field Notes. Sometimes you just have to whack the hornet’s nest, then take cover and see what happens. I am not a trained journalist. If I were, I would have done extensive research on...

What Is CHC Navigation?

One of the largest providers of surveying and geospatial solutions is a company you might have heard very little about. That is about to change. Above: Liao Kai (Leo), Ge Yang Chao, and the author test drive rovers on the CHCNAV roof. In September 2019, I visited the HQ of CHC Navigation (CHCNAV), a company...