Category Archives: Surveying

Autonomy Comes to UAVs

Trending tech has UAV software looking futuristic To a certain degree, autonomous operations are already baked into the current state of data collection (aka reality capture) software for UAVs. Pre-mission planning consists of using a map-based interface to highlight the area that needs to be mapped or inspected, the appropriate flight pattern and height (AGL)...

Exit Interview

Questions and answers with retiring NSPS Executive Director Curtis Sumner Curtis Sumner has had a venerable career in surveying, starting as an 18-year-old straight out of high school and finishing as the long-time executive director of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). Raised in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of southwestern Virginia, Sumner gained...

Protecting Urban History

Researchers demonstrate how lidar, combined with imagery and hyperspectral data, helps prevent costly damage to historic buildings in urban construction zones. With every new underground urban rail or roadway tunnel, deep foundation shaft for a new building, or even simple streetscape upgrade, historically significant archi­tecture in older city centers can become vulnerable. Earth displacement from...

Tunnelling to a New Approach

A surveyor switches from conventional technology to the Trimble SX12, enabling her to match the frenetic pace at six times the speed of multiple-person crews.

Policing Our Profession

Although my professional practice has been limited to California where we have a governing board of registration, I believe that model exists in every state. The mission and vision statements of the California Board of Registration for professional engineers, land surveyors, and geologists are quite succinct: Mission Statement: We protect the public’s safety and property...

Uncovering History

Cincinnati State students preserve a pre-European Native American historical site in Indiana Some members of the 2021 land surveying class at Cincinnati State have been busy bringing history back to life near the city of Lawrenceburg, Indiana. This team of students had the opportunity to survey the site of a village where indigenous people lived...