Category Archives: Surveying

The New Datum and Real-Time GNSS Networks

We asked U.S. RTN what their plans are for the upcoming changes to the National Spatial Reference System. When it comes to geodetic reference frameworks, “shift happens.” Surveyors (and others) have been through this before, like changes from NAD27 to NAD83, NGVD29 to NAVD88, from NAD83(CORS96) to NAD83(NSRS2007), and to the current NAD83(2011). Remember the...

The New Guy

Tim Burch takes over as executive director of NSPS Before we talk about NSPS moving forward, I think it’s right that we look back on the impact Curt Sumner had on the organization. I know you could write a lengthy paper on this, but in a few paragraphs can you sum up what Curt meant...

22 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2022 – 22 of 22

Throughout January and February is featuring young geospatial professionals who are making a name for themselves in everything from surveying to geographic information systems. xyHt featured all of them in the Name:  Teresa Zgoda Company:  Phase One Current Position:  Systems Support Engineer Age: 26 Education: BS in Biomedical Photographic Communications Biography: Teresa provides technical...

Let’s Get Something Straight

In my last Dis-Located column I wrote about the historic, economic, and unusual impact of the Potomac River dividing Maryland and Virginia, saying no other state border impacted either side quite like it. While that is true, several readers pointed out that there are other oddities among state borders created by surveyors or surveying mistakes....

22 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2022 – 21 of 22

Throughout January and February is featuring young geospatial professionals who are making a name for themselves in everything from surveying to geographic information systems. xyHt featured all of them in the January issue. Here we will spotlight one each day. Name: Denver Winchester Company: Crafton Tull  Current Position: Vice president Age: 32 Education: Associate...

FieldLink MR

Full-on, Mixed Reality Stakeout

Now, with a heads-up display visor and hand gestures—no controller needed—mixed reality construction layout just went from “sci-fi” to the job site. Stakeout – Struggling and Juggling Sorry, but I need to geek out a bit…. If you’ve ever done construction/survey staking then you know how cumbersome and time-consuming it can be. While there have...