Category Archives: Surveying
On the House
Free data make the mapping world go round Reliable geospatial data used to be hard to find and expensive. But thanks to the profusion of online data repositories, it’s now at our fingertips for free. It is telling that one of the first websites where mapmakers can have access to free satellite imagery was created...
Boundaries: For the Love of Surveying
A memoir of the field, family, friends, fortitude—and fun Anthony “Tony” Vetturelli’s recently published memoir, Land Surveyor – Journey, Challenges & Destiny, is a fascinating personal journey, a life-long passion for surveying, and a first-hand chronicle of a particularly impactful epoch in the history of surveying. It’s the story of a kid who immigrated from...
Touching Off a Stampede
Sponsored by Carlson Software In the old days of surveying, it was common practice to fill out a crew with a “warm body”—anyone who could follow directions and hold a rod would suffice. One of those guys who was assigned to my crew was a young man by the name of Chris. Since Chris was...
Staying Fluid: The Ocean Decade
More than 23 percent of the ocean seabed is now mapped Seabed 2030 is a partnership between the Nippon Foundation and the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) and aims to map the entire planet’s seabed by 2030. To date, the project has mapped around 23.4 percent of the seabed. The latest data was...
UAS and ALTA Surveys – Part One
Recognizing that with the right equipment and practices, specifications for ALTA surveys can easily be met, surveyors have rapidly adopted UAS for these and many other types of surveys. The adoption of UAS in the surveying profession has been more rapid than some past tech. It was only 2016 when the FAA Part 107...
FARO® Technologies, Inc. has bought mobile scanning company GeoSLAM in a effort to expand and accelerate FARO’s market grown opportunity in the mobile scanning space. Founded in 2012, GeoSLAM has grown into a leading provider of mobile scanning solutions with proprietary high-productivity simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) software to create 3D models for use in...