Category Archives: Surveying
Google Glass
The box a Glass arrives in is pretty impressive in and of itself—it reminded me more of Apple packaging for iPads than of typical Android products (top right). A little card underneath the Glass holder tells you that you are special for spending so much money (middle right). There are really very few operating instructions...
Dr. Mark Monmonier on Modern Cartography
“I’ve heard people say that cartography is dead. Where might that kind of thinking be coming from?” I asked Dr. Monmonier, distinguished author and professor of geography at Syracuse University. His response was, “Why would anyone in his or her right mind think cartography is, or might be, dead?” This initiated a discussion about people...
Heads-up Hard Hats
A new smart helmet brings VR to the workplace. Virtual Reality (VR) and “wearables” are all the rage now, but we expect the hype to subside at some point, and then we’ll start seeing products suitable for real-world applications. Sure, there is Glass and Oculus, but how can such devices move beyond gaming, marketing, (and...
Bilby Tower Dedication Honoring Jasper Sherman Bilby
June 14, 2014 was a perfect sunny Saturday in Osgood, Indiana, where many people gathered to dedicate the last known complete survey tower and honor Jasper Bilby, the USC&GS reconnaissance man who had designed it. They included surveyors from more than a dozen states, current and retired employees of the United States Coast and Geodetic...
Geodetic Observations, Part 3
Types of Distances for Geodetic Observations This article explores the various types of distances that are often listed on GNSS adjustment reports; for related articles on the difference between geodetic and observed azimuths and angles, see “Where Theory Meets Practice” in Professional Surveyor’s March and May 2014, issues. Slope (slant) distances (S) observed on the...
Bucking Conventional Approaches With Carlson’s New BRx5 GNSS Rover
There is a bit of unique angle to the launch of Carlson’s new Brx5 GNSS Rover… Carlson Software, the Kentucky based engineering, construction and surveying software company has been challenging conventional approaches for decades, and has developed a substantial and loyal international user community. Whereas a lot of companies start as hardware “box makers” and...