Category Archives: Spatial IT/GIS

Maptime – A [UK] user experience
A year ago if you had said “Maptime” to me, I would have thought you were mad. I have now been to three “Maptime” events, and I want to share my experience, as you may be sitting there perplexed as to what you would gain from it. Maptime is increasing in popularity. Before Christmas [2014]...

QGIS v ArcGIS: the Rematch?
Thank you to all of you who commented and discussed my last QGIS v ArcGIS article. Many of you pointed at some of the perspective taken with the article, for example, there was mention that it wasn’t fair as ArcServer wasn’t tested or that the 3D tools weren’t compared. Yes, you are correct, it would...

Infrastructure Gets a C from COGO
Former governor says U.S. spatial data leadership has slipped. The nation’s spatial data infrastructure gets a barely passing grade of “C” indicating it “requires attention,” former Governor Jim Geringer (R-WY) reported on February 23. Speaking at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Geringer said the national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI), a...

Navigating Without Addresses
New codes aim to bring billions of people into the geospatial market. When we mail a letter to an address in an industrialized country or navigate to that location, we rely, without giving it much thought, on a centuries-old system of street names and numbers, augmented in the case of mail by the later invention...

Incomes Move Across Sydney
Between 2006 and 2011 a little fewer than 400,000 households (around a quarter of the total) moved at least once within the Sydney metropolitan area. While this figure is an under-count of total moves (many households may have moved more than once, and those moving into the city from elsewhere are not presented), mapping this...

Using Google Earth to Make 3D Models
No, I haven’t gone crazy; in fact quite the opposite. I was sent a visualisation of a wind farm from a company this week, and the back of my mind was niggling at me, telling me that I could do better at little or no cost. My first few attempts were involving QGIS2Threejs (QGIS 3D...