Category Archives: Spatial IT/GIS
Aerial Self-sufficiency
Above: Universal Studios, Florida A large risk-assessment and data-analytics company created its own internal system to collect imagery, write software, and develop processing workflows. If a private company or public agency is large enough, it may be able to internalize all of the processes for its services rather than having to outsource any. For example, it might...
What’s within a 30-minute Walk – Revisited
I recently had reason to be in London for a short meeting and walked past London Bridge, looked at the sky around me, and thought, “I wonder how accurate that map I made last year is?” I was fortunate to have my camera phone with me so that I could take a few pictures. The...
Maptime – Grassroots Geo-learning
From beginners to experts: #maptime chapters worldwide provide opportunities for cartographers, mappers, geospatial practitioners—and anyone with an interest in maps—to learn from each other. The concept and impetus behind #maptime are very simple: people who create (or have an affinity for) maps and mapping getting together to share common interests, tips, tricks, and techniques. If...
Nick Bearman, PhD
GIS Educator, Geospatial Training Solutions & University College London – London, UK Nick Bearman is a gifted educator, with an extra bonus for the geospatial community in the UK (and increasingly worldwide) of a specialty in GIS. Bearman operates his own consultancy, creating custom training in GIS—both commercial and open source. He is also a...
Muhammad Luqman
PhD Student, University of Melbourne Melbourne, Australia A certified surveyor from Pakistan, Muhammad Luqman is currently a PhD researcher at the University of Melbourne in the field of Earth sciences. He completed his Master of Philosophy in geomatics in 2014 with a focus on the application of geospatial technologies, as well as a master’s in...
New Gold Standard for GPS
GPS users help map habitat along the Bear River for the Bear River Land Conservancy in Utah on June 7, 2017. Credit: Kirk Earl. As accurate GNSS data becomes democratized, there’s still a place to stand out in the industry. The long-established GPS industry has been facing a massive technological disruption for the past five...