Category Archives: Professional Surveyor Archives
Where Theory Meets Practice: Geodetic Observations – Part 2
Part 1 of this article (March 2014) presents the differences between azimuths that surveyors observe with a total station and the geodetic azimuths listed in GNSS adjustment reports. However, the effect on angles caused by the deflection of the vertical at the observing station is typically small. Thus, the difference between the observed astronomic angle and...
Education in Surveying: Improving the Geospatial Learning Experience: GeoLearn
GeoLearn is an online education company founded in 2013 and designed to improve the learning experience for busy professionals and technicians in the geospatial professions. Joe Paiva, PhD, PS, PE, a long-time geospatial industry educator, and Robert Morris are principals of this start-up educational company. The company’s initial slate of professional development courses, announced at launch...
Feature: Preparing to Fly
An industry insider provides an overview of the advantages of using UAS for surveying as well as common misconceptions, plus preparation steps for surveyors and firms.Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) represent a culmination of advancements in miniaturization, electronics, optics, batteries, and data-processing techniques. After being widely used in military and security operations for the past 10...
Where Theory Meets Practice: Transformations and Reference Frames, Part 2
In the previous article (PSM Dec. 2013), I mention the practical problems of control being in different reference frames, and I present the surveying solution to this problem. In this article I address how to determine if the localization process was successful. To do this we will need to look at the statistics of the...
Editor’s Desk: Change in the Air for Aerial Lidar and UAS
By David A. Brown I have been in the geospatial industry for 35 years, first as a geologist and a geophysicist, and then in the photogrammetric industry, where I have worn many hats. And I’ve seen quite a bit of change. I’m writing this after attending back-to-back the 2014 winter MAPPS (Management Association for Private...
Feature: Scanning Speaks Volumes
Laser scanning technology steers an experienced Indiana surveyor to new directions. by Larry Trojak With decades of survey experience under his belt, Barry Hennessy is no stranger to—nor is he resistant to—change. He has seen the industry, the technology that supports it, and his business evolve over time. So when presented with the opportunity to...