Category Archives: Professional Surveyor Archives

GNSS Next: Do-It-Yourself Internet RTK

Editor’s note: Communications for base-rover RTK corrections can be problematic. The short leash of base-rover radios, not to mention licensing issues, can be a major source of pain for your field operations. The advent of network RTK (RTN) introduced many surveyors to the relative freedom of using cellular, broadband, or other IP- (internet protocol-) enabled...

Guest Essay: The Future of Land Surveying is Now. Are You Prepared For It?

What motivates a student to seek a career in surveying? Our profession has benefited from a growing numbers of men and women who have chosen to switch careers and pursue surveying. After earning a bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Washington, and with many years of experience in related fields,...

Guest Essay: Vision, Education, and Excitement!

Over the course of more than four decades as a surveyor, engineer, and planner, Bill Beardslee has shared his experiences and insights through (literally) thousands of presentations and writings, including many in this publication examining business, legal, and practical elements of our profession. Bill is a tireless advocate for our profession, having served as president...

Guest Essay: Leaders in the Geospatial Community

In the eyes of Dr. Sunil Bisnath, research scientist and educator in the fields of geodesy and precise GNSS, surveyors are uniquely poised to assume leadership roles in our geospatially aware world—if we are proactive. Dr. Bisnath is currently an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University...

Guest Essay: The Work Itself Is Different

Early scientists in the fields of physics, astronomy, and surveying were also widely viewed as philosophers. With education ranging from architecture to political science to English, Jim Fleming, through his various writings (including a stint as editor of this magazine), has added a touch of philosophical musings to his primary endeavor, that of a respected...

Guest Essay: History, Law, Science, and Technology

While pursuing a B.A. in journalism, Shaheed A. Smith was introduced to surveying when he was working part-time as a rodman. This new calling led Shaheed to attend the New Jersey Institute of Technology for survey engineering technology, and he is now a registered land surveyor in both Pennsylvania and Delaware and is the incoming...