Category Archives: Press Releases

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 12/17/2021
R-evolution expands its sustainability agenda to help protect coastal blue carbon ecosystems Fugro to Locate Remote Space Operations Complex in Perth, Australia China, Arab states to Expand BeiDou Cooperation Trimble Acquires AgileAssets Topcon Positioning Group Expands Global Headquarters GIS/Valuation Technologies Conference to be Held in New Orleans NSGIC Releases 2021 Geospatial Maturity Assessment InfiniDomes’ Robust...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 12/10/2021
Microsoft and Esri Deliver Centralized Satellite Image Analysis in Azure Orbital NSPS Scholarship Applications Available USGIF Launches 2022 Scholarship Campaign NVIDIA is Building a Digital Twin of the Earth Task Force to Review Connectivity and Technology Needs of Precision Agriculture Geo Week Early Bird Pricing Ends Dec. 17 One Year from Launch, U.S.-European Satellite...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 12/03/2021
2022 GeoWeek Awards Topcon opens new European distribution center in Zoetermeer Bluesky Aerial Photography used to Map Green Roofs NSPS Scholarship Applications Available LiDAR Market May be Worth $3.4 Billion by 2026 Capturing the Environment with a Lidar-equipped Helmet Advanced Aerial Mapping Provides Valuable Information to First Responders Generation of 3D Maps Placed in the...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 11/19/2021
NSPS 21st Annual Student Competition Bushfire Mitigation through Machine Learning with AusNet and AWS Register for 11th Utility Investigation School in Golden, Colorado Young Surveyors Network to Meet Dec. 4 Fugro to Update Cayman Islands Hydrography for UKHO with Carbon-Neutral Survey Scan to BIM In Minutes Webinar on Nov. 30 Global Navigation Satellite Systems Market Expected to Grow 8.2% During...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 11/12/2021
Fugro Launches New Generation of Uncrewed Surface Vessels Teledyne Geospatial to Showcase Hardware and Software Solutions at Geo Business 2021 Trimble Establishes Dr. Gladys West Scholarship Program Woolpert Selected to Collect Aerial Lidar Data for Ohio 3DEP Women in Technology Nominations Due by Dec. 31 Bill Introduced to Reform National Flood Insurance Program First American...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 11/05/2021
Geo Week Keynote Speakers Announced NV5 Geospatial Extends Leadership in Canadian Hydrospatial Market Fighting Fires with Satellite Communications and Infrared Mapping Bell, Esri Deliver Integrated Smart City Ecosystem to Empower Canadian Communities MARACOOS, MARCO to Expand Ocean Mapping and Research Partnership Pix4D Launches the viDoc RTK in USA and Canada Geo Week Nominations for Excellence...