Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

Mobile System Alerts Dubai Drivers of Approaching Sandstorms

Periodically, large sandstorms and low-visibility conditions wreak havoc in the Middle East, with potentially deadly consequences for drivers. In 2007, a sandstorm in Saudi Arabia caused a pileup involving about 80 cars. In 2008, low-visibility conditions caused a 200-car pileup on the border between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, killing about 25 people. In April 2012, a...

It’s About Time

Australia tech-rebel company Locata is poised to profoundly change the world of positioning, navigation, and timing. In 1994 in Canberra, Australia, accomplished musician and entrepreneur Nunzio Gambale was introduced to a fellow musician, David Small, by Gambale’s cousin who had been giv­ing Small a hand with an interesting experi­ment. This chance meeting began an amazing partnership in technological development. The scenic capital territory of Austral­ia has its fair...

High Accuracy for Sanitation Lines

This proved true for Manchac Consulting Group, Inc. when they recently teamed with Louisiana’s Bossier City to solve an infrastructure issue. The project provided the chance for Manchac to expand their GNSS capabilities, an expansion from which the company is continuing to harvest fiscal rewards. Having hired Manchac in the past for design and engineering...

Autodesk and Measurement

“After all of these years, I’m really happy to be able to say that Autodesk is now truly in the measurement business,” says Pete Kelsey, Autodesk’s strategic projects executive. Though he was quick to add qualifiers to that statement: “We are not in the measurement hardware business, but we are now more closely aligned with...

State of: Technology in Oil and Gas

Perhaps more so now than when Bob Dylan first penned the lyrics to The Times They Are A-Changing, this title line carries a sense of urgency, and it continues to reverberate with a significance that transcends any specific moment in time. We now live in an age where nothing is more constant than change, and...