Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

Enmapp’s Customers Reap the Benefit of the Mobile Revolution

Above: Enmapp provides pipeline construction monitoring and quality assurance to some of the world’s largest energy companies. With the price of crude half what it was only a year ago, and the price of natural gas not faring that much better, a trip through the oil patch shows production only where it is deemed economically...

Eva-Maria Unger

Outlook 2016: 40 Under 40

In this annual issue focused on the future, we offer “40 under 40” (or “40<40”): a collection of profiles of motivated and noteworthy young professionals under 40 years of age. It is our wish that these profiles will honor those who work tirelessly to promote geospatial fields and to provide inspiration for young people considering...

Industry Profile: Landon Urquhart

R&D Engineer at Hemisphere GNSS  While Hemisphere GNSS has always been a major player in high-performance satellite positioning, there’s now a renewed focus on innovation, research, development, and production. R&D is a team effort, but particular kudos have been given Landon Urquhart. Landon studied applied science at Acadia University and then earned his BS and...

Jie Zhang

PhD Senior Researcher at Imagister Solutions, Ltd The use of GNSS in consumer applications dwarfs high-precision uses by orders of magnitude. With a substantial amount of GNSS research being performed for such uses, it is likely that the great breakthroughs in, for instance, indoor signal-based navigation will come from related labs and researchers. Jie Zhang...

Javier Garcia Robles

Remote Sensing Engineer at Altamira Information Javier Garcia Robles specializes in the field of advanced satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) studies, with seven years’ experience in Earth observation (EO). He received an MS in telecommunications engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, and since then he has been working in radar and optical data...

Elena Kruzhkova

Engineering Manager at Topcon Positioning Systems  “What is the latest firmware?” is a refrain many in the high-precision positioning community are quite familiar with. For GNSS equipment, firmware is what keeps your equipment current with changes in constellations and orbit and clock resources, but more often it’s new developments and algorithms (you may be benefitting...