Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

Aerospace Corp’s Role in the Development of GPS

The origin of global navigation from space has roots going back more than a century. Scientists, authors, and visionaries from Tsiolokowsky, Oberth, Lev, Noordung, and Goddard to Arthur C. Clarke saw navigation as a potential benefit of space vehicles and satellites. In the 19th century, author and historian Edward Everett Hale’s “Brick Moons” were envisioned...

A Liebherr excavator equipped with MOBA assisted guidance.

NavCom GNSS: Moving Dirt Just Right

GNSS receivers help steer earth movers, providing users with accurate positions and no complexities. NavCom–a wholly owned subsidiary of John Deere–manufactures GNSS (global navigation satellite system) receivers for land survey, machine control, offshore, and military and government applications. One of its OEM partners is MOBA Mobile Automation AG, a German company specializing in measurement and...


How can you monitor broad-area land deformation with high precision? Why, from space, of course. Is it possible for satellites to accurately monitor the motion of landscapes with millimeter levels of precision? What about over wide areas while being frequently updated? If you scoffed in response to either of these questions, you might be surprised....

Lawrence Spencer puts the Trimble R1 GNSS receiver and iPad to work on the Kissimmee River.

Fluid Data: GNSS and iPads

Lawrence Spencer puts the Trimble R1 GNSS receiver and iPad to work on the Kissimmee River.    Pairing GNSS with iPads opens seamless data flows for a water management district in Florida facing wetlands complexity. Lawrence Spencer first joined the South Florida Water Management District’s (SFWMD) lake and river ecosystems section in 2006 as a...

UAS: It’s Unstoppable and Headed Your Way

From time to time I like to stop and think about the mission of Pangaea and explain that mission to you. My task is exposing you to new, emerging geospatial technologies. But why bother? Here’s a little analogy I thought of to help explain why keeping abreast of new geospatial tech is critical. Imagine emerging...

Septentrio’s headquarters in Belgium has an international staff, about half in engineering.

Advancing GNSS: Full Interview with Jan Van Hees & Bruno Bougard

Jan Van Hees, Septentrio’s Business Development Manager, and R&D Director Bruno Bougard Click here for the truncated version of this interview that appeared in the February 2016 print issue of xyHt.  Septentrio was started as a spin-off of IMEC and attracts talent from KULeuven University as well as from around the world. What is the current...