Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

George Zhou

Growth from China: an Interview with CHCNAV’s George Zhou

George Zhou has long been a figure in GNSS integration and product development, but he’s best known for founding and growing CHC Navigation from a startup in 2003 to a major global developer and producer of GNSS and geospatial hardware and software. As a follow-up to our November 2019 recap of our recent visit to...

Outlook 2020’s 40 Under 40

The following is xyHt’s 2020 collection of 40 under 40: profiles of motivated and accomplished young professionals under 40 years of age. Click on each name to view their profiles below. Kwabena Obeng Asiam Researcher & Lecturer – Leibniz University Published PhD candidate in land administration; FIG Young Surveyors Ghana Evaluating the evidence and making...

Flex! Bad Elf and Higher Precision

I took a new GPS mapping receiver out to the field for a test drive and found out that it is also a full GNSS survey rover. GNSS mapping peripheral-maker Bad Elf recently introduced a full survey-grade rover—and a unique pricing model. Surveyors might not be familiar with the name Bad Elf, but in the...

R10 → R10-2 → R12: Explained

The announcement of a new flagship rover for Trimble was met with positive chatter, but with a lot of questions as well. So, xyHt called the product manager… In short, the familiar form factor of the R10 (slim bucket on a pole) is still there, but in the seven years since it was introduced it...

Plastic Islands No More

4Ocean uses geospatial technology to clean oceans, helping to reduce and reimagine plastic waste. The mess is big enough that it can be seen from outer space. These days, satellite imagery reveals massive islands of plastic in oceans, and the waste is so vast that various groups and inventors are trying to combat the problem...


Outstanding Geospatial Trends at INTERGEO 2019

INTERGEO, the world’s largest summit in positioning and geospatial tech, wrapped up last week in Stuttgart, Germany, proving that even after 25 years it still can be a great show. It’s the biggest geospatial event of the year where companies around the world showcase their current innovations for the industry, and the xyHt team was...