Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

SPARTN – New Open Data High Precision GNSS Format
Announced January 27th, 2020, Sapcorda Services GmbH announced a new, open data format for GNSS high accuracy positioning in mass market applications. To understand just how much of a potentially big deal this is, a little background first: We are all familiar with formats, for high precision GNSS applications, like those for applications that use...

GNSS: Triple-frequency Constellations
Triple-frequency observations for high-accuracy positioning has been studied for years. It’s proven to greatly improve RTK performance (fix rate, reliability, and precision) in challenging scenarios for dual-frequency RTK, for example with a very a long base line, very active ionospheric motion, and a severe multi-path environment. Triple-frequency observations also help shorten PPP convergency time significantly....

What Is South Surveying and Mapping Instrument Co.?
South Surveying and Mapping Instrument Co., LTD. holds a substantial share in the largest single market for such products. Until recently, it was not well known in the Americas; a sleeping giant may be awakening. Years ago, I started seeing South’s booths at trade shows like Intergeo and Conexpo, but in recent years I’ve begun...

Growth from China: an Interview with CHCNAV’s George Zhou
George Zhou has long been a figure in GNSS integration and product development, but he’s best known for founding and growing CHC Navigation from a startup in 2003 to a major global developer and producer of GNSS and geospatial hardware and software. As a follow-up to our November 2019 recap of our recent visit to...

Outlook 2020’s 40 Under 40
The following is xyHt’s 2020 collection of 40 under 40: profiles of motivated and accomplished young professionals under 40 years of age. Click on each name to view their profiles below. Kwabena Obeng Asiam Researcher & Lecturer – Leibniz University Published PhD candidate in land administration; FIG Young Surveyors Ghana Evaluating the evidence and making...

Flex! Bad Elf and Higher Precision
I took a new GPS mapping receiver out to the field for a test drive and found out that it is also a full GNSS survey rover. GNSS mapping peripheral-maker Bad Elf recently introduced a full survey-grade rover—and a unique pricing model. Surveyors might not be familiar with the name Bad Elf, but in the...