Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

Satellite imagery of Dura Europos, Syria, an important archaeological site, shows the scale and extent of ISIS-led looting. The image (dark blue river) from April 2009 shows little impact compared to the image (light blue river) from April 2015 that shows pockmarked evidence of digging throughout the site.

Antiquities Trafficking and the Surveyor: How Mapping is Keeping History Public

Conflicts around the world are often funded by the sale of drugs, guns, diamonds, ivory, and antiquities. Often these cultural relics stolen from home countries are purchased unwittingly abroad. One organization is hard at work to alert buyers and the art market about this growing problem, using maps to broadcast the stories of missing artifacts....

Global Shipping Needs Geospatial Technology

Response to Covid-19 and its ripple effects on trade may be accelerating maritime industries’ adoption of geospatial technology Where global shipping is concerned, the Covid-19 pandemic is changing everything from navigation pathways, to crew and ship safety, to demand for commodities, and forcing the shipping industry to adapt, in part through new uses of geospatial...

Android Field Software on a Nifty Tablet

A quick test drive of the new Access 2020 survey field software on a companion small tablet revealed some coolness. The advent of survey software for Android, long in the works, has brought welcome new options for mobile field platforms. Over the years I’ve used a lot of different field controllers, and more recently tried...

GPS endangered

The FCC 5G vs GPS Stinkbomb

Op-Ed: No, 5G is not spreading a virus, but one new 5G implementation could harm GPS— and people rely on GPS far more than they realize. Note: This post is NOT anti-5G. There is plenty of room for 5G expansion in other spectrum besides that in which GPS resides. The 5G card has been played in...

Adam Zweig

The Many Facets (and Faces) of Surveying

Surveyors have traditionally done a variety of essential and interesting work—and they continue to do so. We’ve asked surveyors from various work disciplines what inspires them. To get an idea of where we are going, it’s important to stop and take a look at where we have been. This rings especially true for those of...

As part of the water project, Curingue residents work on building a structure for water collection, storage, and pumping.

GNSS for Curingue: Accessing Remote Water Resources

A surveyor volunteers his time and expertise to help supply fresh water to Curingue, an isolated village in the Andes. Featured image: As part of the water project, Curingue residents work on building a structure for water collection, storage, and pumping. High in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, the village of Curingue has no centralized...