Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

Highlights of the Esri UC 2020 – Day Two
Highlights from Presentations and Exhibits at the Esri UC 2020: plenty of ArcGIS ArcGIS Workforce: Mobile app for worker, web app for dispatcher and project owner there is ArcGIS Platform Mobile app allows use of mobile app to complete to do list Web app allows the creation and management of work for mobile working GIS...

Topcon Solutions Store Leads the Way in Gearing Up
Moves to modernize surveying, engineering, and construction were already well under way—recent events have simply accelerated the process. Many, such as Topcon’s Solutions Store, have used the recent slowdown to adopt new models for workflows, collaboration, distributorships, training, and support to be ready to meet future demand. As the pause button is being released, and...

GNSS on Top of the World: Climbing Everest with CHC P5
Surveyors summit Mount Everest with a new generation of GNSS instruments. The fascination with the height of Mount Everest began one morning in 1852 when Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian-Bengali mathematician, rushed into the room of Sir Andrew Waugh and exclaimed, “Sir, I have discovered the highest mountain of the world.” Sikdar was employed by the Great Trigonometric Survey of India...

Antiquities Trafficking and the Surveyor: How Mapping is Keeping History Public
Conflicts around the world are often funded by the sale of drugs, guns, diamonds, ivory, and antiquities. Often these cultural relics stolen from home countries are purchased unwittingly abroad. One organization is hard at work to alert buyers and the art market about this growing problem, using maps to broadcast the stories of missing artifacts....

Global Shipping Needs Geospatial Technology
Response to Covid-19 and its ripple effects on trade may be accelerating maritime industries’ adoption of geospatial technology Where global shipping is concerned, the Covid-19 pandemic is changing everything from navigation pathways, to crew and ship safety, to demand for commodities, and forcing the shipping industry to adapt, in part through new uses of geospatial...

Android Field Software on a Nifty Tablet
A quick test drive of the new Access 2020 survey field software on a companion small tablet revealed some coolness. The advent of survey software for Android, long in the works, has brought welcome new options for mobile field platforms. Over the years I’ve used a lot of different field controllers, and more recently tried...