Category Archives: Energy/Utilities

Mapping the Surface of the Ocean?
It is crucial that we keep accurate maps of the ocean’s shorelines, but when my company got a request to map the ocean’s surface 50 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico, my initial reaction was: Why? Isn’t the ocean just the ocean that far out? There aren’t any geographic features or elevation changes. It’s...

Surveying, Drones, and Danger
Experts say drones carry the promise of keeping the electrical grid safe amid increasingly intense storms The greater number and intensity of severe storms in the United States has communities rethinking their infrastructure. They’re making streets and parking lots permeable to absorb excess rainfall and rebuilding natural watershed features that help prevent floods. With the...

From Nadir to Oblique
From Buzz to Shush Fighting the drone of drones Drones are hard workers. But because of the noise they make, many people are not fond of them. In a recent survey in Europe, when people were asked about their main concerns regarding the prospect of drone services in their cities, respondents from six countries chose...

Lidar and Surveying: Infrastructure Relies on Surveys
Mobile lidar platform provides engineering firm with data sets for multiple deliverables In the past, project teams couldn’t get high-quality, actionable data quickly when performing surveys—there was always a trade-off between time and quality. However, advances in mobile lidar technology are significantly reducing the time it takes to collect data while still meeting strict accuracy...

From Texas to the World
A $10 billion construction project will change the future of energy The task of getting clean, efficient energy created and distributed from Texas to the rest of the world is no small-or easy-task. And certainly not inexpensive. But the future of energy may well depend on the process of liquifying natural gas and shipping it...

3D Models Above and Below
Aerial, terrestrial, and underground data tell the whole story Millions of miles of underground utilities provide U.S. communities with vital services, such as telecommunications, water, electricity, and natural gas. During construction projects, accidental damage occurs frequently due to inaccurate or non-existent documentation, a situation that can be exacerbated by inadequate research before excavation begins. Safety...