Category Archives: Education

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Virtual Conference Experience

Upcoming Asset Mapping Event to Implement a VCX Format Virtual conferences have been growing for many years. Necessity has brought them to the fore. We explore a successful online format: VCX – Virtual Conference Experience, and preview the free, May 12-13, 2020 Right-of-Way Asset Mapping VCX event. It would be easy to list many reasons...

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Another Curveball: Coronavirus and Geospatial

Out of the blue, we’re facing another curveball. The current global concern (COVID-19, aka the Coronavirus) was generally not anticipated, and the situation changes daily. It was hoped that, by the time this is published, the situation would have calmed dramatically—but sadly it has taken a turn for the worse. Thus far disruptions have only...

Help Shape the Future of Surveying – SaGES 2019

Your input is requested. Surveying professionals and practitioners are invited to weigh in on matters of surveying and geomatics education, succession planning, branding, promotion, and outreach. The 27th national biennial meeting of the Surveying and Geomatics Educators Society (SaGES) will be held August 4th – August 8th, 2019 at Nicholls State University, in Thibodaux, Louisiana (near...

MOOC ado about Reskilling

Our new geospatial graduates have every reason to be happy. The good news that came out in April is that there are more vacant jobs in the U.S. than unemployed people, the highest amount in 50 years. And this jobs boom is a global pattern that extends to almost all industries, including the professional services...