Core Articles

Jake McCay
24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024 Company: LIDARUSACurrent position: Sales managerAge: 34Education: BS business management McCay worked in sales at a several companies prior to joining LIDARUSA. For more than four years he has been head of sales at LIDARUSA. Starting with no knowledge of the industry, he was quick to pick up...

Evan Applegate
24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024 Company: The Map ConsultancyCurrent position: CartographerAge: 35Education: MS in cartography and GIS, University of Wisconsin-Madison For 12 years Applegate has made beautiful, data-rich maps for the news, Fortune 500 companies, charitable foundations, and commercial interiors. He created his first maps in 2011 as a graphics editor for...

Alexander Hollberg
24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024 Company: Chalmers University of TechnologyCurrent Position: Associate professorAge: 38Education: PhD and MS in architectural engineering, BS in civil engineering Hollberg is an architectural engineer by training and since his first days of studies has been passionate about interdisciplinary collaboration. He joined Chalmers as assistant professor for computational...

Mariana Vilela
24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024 Company: GeoMax PositioningCurrent Position: Technical support for US, Canada & LATAMAge: 29Education: Associate degree in psychology; currently working on a bachelor’s degree in land surveying Born in Brazil and fluent in three languages, Vilela brings a global perspective to her work. She manages technical support, dealer, and...

New Digital World Needs Data
Next-generation surveyors require specialized education and training to fill the role of geospatial data specialists. Many emerging geospatial applications, such as digital twins, 3D modeling, monitoring, virtual reality, and autonomous vehicles, are based on big digital datasets. Building a 3D digital world starts with accurate data that ties to a point on the ground, so...

Refining Measurement
A land surveyor unpacks the concept of accuracy “Accuracy is addictive,” my friend David Doyle once said. Doyle is a geodesist by trade. For someone in his line of work, this addiction has a rich tradition. Geodesy is the study of Earth’s shape, rotation, and gravity field. The discipline involves an eternal quest to refine...