Category Archives: Construction/BIM

Night in the Afternoon: A US Solar Eclipse
What you need to know about the 2017 solar eclipse The upcoming solar eclipse will leave a 70-mile-wide trail of darkness across the United States on August 21, 2017 (see the map of the eclipse path on pages 44-45). This will be a once-in-a-lifetime event for many people. While another total solar eclipse will make...

The iCon build: Adding Adaptable Options for Layout Automation
Leica’s “iCon build” solves a common layout automation conundrum for vertical construction firms, large and small. Editor’s note: The benefits of automation for vertical construction are not limited to projects that have implemented full-on, single-environment BIM. Many firms and projects can now use a realistic and practical mix of old and new workflows and technologies during...

Point A to Point BIM
Our publication is all about how to get from (or measure between) point A to point B: the processes, tools, software, methods, and professional spatial judgments that go into these actions. Sometimes the road between A and B has a lot of twists and turns, and in the case of moving design and construction from...

GEO Business 2017
Nicholas makes the annual pilgrimage to GEO Business for xyHt This blog is going to start with a short piece about skips. If you are afraid of skips (skips are what you’d call “dumpsters” across the Atlantic), turn away now …. Monday morning and 24 hrs from the start of GEO Business 2017, I get...

Strategic Movement: Precise Monitoring in Practice
A Danish company builds a successful monitoring business by leveraging technology and expertise. By John Stenmark, LS Newton’s laws of motion tell us that nothing moves if it isn’t pushed or pulled. That concept is behind the success of LE34, a Copenhagen-based surveying company that has built a business strategy around structural monitoring for a...

Will You Be Replaced by a Robot?
It’s difficult to open a magazine or look at a news site on the internet and not run across the “robots are going to take your job” theme. So, I’ve been doing a bit of reading on the subject, and I’ve come up with some very basic criteria for determining if your job may be...