Category Archives: Construction/BIM

3D Site: Road Construction amid Frustrated Residents
In a residential subdivision in Saskatchewan, a 3D site plan appeases frustrated residents as well as a tight construction deadline. Many homeowners are attracted to the yin and yang lifestyle of having a cozy country home with easy access to the excitement of a vibrant city. A Canadian residential subdivision in Saskatchewan seems to capture...

Keith Bentley on Digital Twins
As digital twins advance beyond BIM and GIS, what do you need to know? Bentley Systems’ founder Keith Bentley offers insights and advice for engaging in this growing field of solutions. Image above: Singapore, recognized as a global leader in infrastructure design and development, was the venue for the Bentley Year in Infrastructure 2019 event....

Been to a CONEXPO? You Should…
Las Vegas, March 10-14, 2020 If you are involved in AEC, as a surveyor, construction professional, civil design professional, or anyone getting involved in the new wave of AEC digitization, you should at least attend one (or more) Conexpo events. It is one of the biggest geo/AEC-related trade shows in the U.S., and globally. It...

The Reality of Digital Construction
In the last two decades, we have seen technology make its way first into the construction project office through construction management web applications, then into pre-construction through BIM and VDC (virtual design and construction), and finally into the field through mobile applications that are often intended to replace paper plans and specifications. With communications, business...

Hidden Infrastructure in 3D: Visualizing with AR
A visualization platform overlays data displays on your view of a job site by fusing data, AR software, and mobile-device sensors. From Superman’s x-ray vision, to current technologies that use radio waves to sense objects through walls. The ability, fictional or actual, to “see” through obstacles has long been a source of fascination. (Above: An...

Outlook 2020’s 40 Under 40
The following is xyHt’s 2020 collection of 40 under 40: profiles of motivated and accomplished young professionals under 40 years of age. Click on each name to view their profiles below. Kwabena Obeng Asiam Researcher & Lecturer – Leibniz University Published PhD candidate in land administration; FIG Young Surveyors Ghana Evaluating the evidence and making...