Category Archives: Construction/BIM

Doers: Matt LaLuzerne
LaLuzerne is Strategic Growth Director, GPI Geospatial and incoming president of the Florida Region of ASPRS xyHt: How did you get started in the geospatial industry? LaLuzerne: During my undergraduate studies at the University of Florida, I focused heavily on pre-engineering courses to prepare myself for civil engineering. I would always see a small advertisement in the...

Grand Surveying in Grand Paris
Advanced solutions for tunneling and monitoring keep Europe’s largest transportation expansion project on track All photos taken prior to introduction of COVID-19 distancing guidelines Paris is grand—and getting much grander. One of the most visited—and loved—cities in the world, The City of Light began the Grand Paris initiative in 2007 with the goal of keeping...

As-Built Documentation with Speed and Accuracy
Most architects, designers and engineers are aware of reality capture technology and laser scanning but might not be sure how it could fit into their workflow, especially when it comes to as-built documentation. To get a better sense of how this technology works with as-built documentation, let’s first recap what reality capture means in the...
The Early Days of 3D Scanning, Part 5
Joining the 3D Laser Scanning Pioneering Start-up, Cyra Technologies Thus far in my “insider story” series (June, July, August, September), I have described how, while working for Trimble in 1996, I first became aware of the technology and Cyra Technologies, a pioneering start-up developing it. After a jaw-dropping demo, I dove into evaluating the technology and Cyra for a...

Doers: Christoph Hinte
Christoph Hinte on 25 years at Intergeo Christoph Hinte is the organizer of INTERGEO, the world’s biggest annual geospatial trade fair and conference. As CEO of HINTE Expo & Conference, he has been involved in the development and strategy of INTERGEO events since in 1995. Hinte tells xyHt why this year’s event, October 13 to...

Jack Dangermond Interview Part 1: The Company
At the Esri User Conference, xyHt European editor Nicholas Duggan sat down for a one-on-one interview with Jack Dangermond, Esri founder and CEO. In Duggan’s five-part online series, running each day this week, Dangermond discusses everything from Esri’s beginning to the future of GIS. Here in Part 1 the two discuss Dangermond’s company. Nicholas Duggan:...