Category Archives: BIM

GEO Business 2019
BIM, AR, Digital Twins, and the Future On May 21 and 22, I attended the GEO Business conference in hot sunny London to bring you the latest developments in survey, BIM, and GIS. The conference had a lot in it, from the latest in drone technology, amazing augmented reality, and the recent developments in collaboration...

The Science of Where to Build Anything
Above: Both Esri and Autodesk have shown this graphic at their individual presentations. Will the Esri/Autodesk partnership take BIM head-on? In August 2018, xyHt editor Gavin Schrock sat down with Jack Dangermond and Andrew Anagnost, of Esri and Autodesk respectively. They spoke of the natural industry links between the two companies and how they were...

CAD+GIS for AEC – Finally “Going Steady”
The new release of Autodesk Civil 3D includes the Connector for ArcGIS. An Esri-Autodesk partnership, launched in 2017, takes yet another big step, and one that should make a lot of civil design professionals very happy. The sidelong glances, the flirting, the occasional dating … such has been the on-again/off-again relationship between these two giants...

Fully BIM
Above: Jeffrey Truijens, BIM manager and information and process coordinator for one of the general contractors for the Pontsteiger building. Credit: Josine Voogt Fotografie. A new Amsterdam icon was developed completely with openBIM, proving that BIM can be a cornerstone for highly complex, multidisciplinary design and production coordination. Editor’s Introduction At the 2019 Geospatial World...

Piping Hot Tech
Above: The cramped field conditions in the underground tunnels are evident in this point cloud Trammel used to create the 3D tunnel piping. From crowded boiler rooms to hard-to-reach underground tunnels, BIM experts tell us how following a smooth workflow is key to rapidly creating accurate 3D pipe models from point clouds. Inside the Student...

ArcGIS Indoors
What is it, and how will it work? Mapping has traditionally been the task of visually charting big outdoor spaces with pretty hills that look great with a few contours around them. Throw in a bit of hillshade, and you have a cartophile’s dream. The location intelligence company Esri, that has driven the market to...