Category Archives: Aerial/UAS

An illustration of Nasa's GL-10 VTOL.

NASA’s Awesome Long-endurance VTOL UAS

The wizards at NASA’s Langley Research Center took a look at the current state of UAS and found two big problems: The flight time and range of electric multicopters is too short, and many fixed-wing UAS require extensive ground support for launch and recovery. With these challenges in mind, the team came up with two...

nearmap US Open

Precisely Shot

Aerial imaging, GIS, and GNSS play a crucial role in the success of golf’s 2018 U.S. Open Championship. “Basically, we need to construct a small city—every year and in a different location,” said Timothy Lloyd, senior manager of U.S. Open operations at the United States Golf Association (USGA). Lloyd’s team is charged with planning and...

GEO Business 2018: “Geocoolness” in the London Heat

Trends in geomatics tech and spatial IT at the UK’s premier annual geo conference and exhibition Editor’s Note: GEO Business is an annual conference held annually in London. xyHt’s Europe editor, Nick Duggan has been attending each year, chronicling trends in the geo industry. The event is growing into one of the premier geo events...

Parrot Bee-Bop Thermal

Low-cost Tech for Aerial Archeology, Part Two

To round up this short series on low-cost approaches to aerial archeology surveying, we’ll look at an even lower-cost sensor technology that can be used in certain types of archeological projects. In the first part of this series we talked about how new, affordable multispectral sensors are being used with (relatively) inexpensive UAS to find...

Tunnel Monitoring from Above

UAV digital monitoring delivers significant benefits as part of a major German tunneling construction project. The German city of Karlsruhe plays a decisive role in transport planning in the southwest of that country, with more than 300,000 inhabitants, 160,000 vehicles in the main part of the city, and 190 million train passengers every year. Highway...

Over Roads and Quarries

A surveyor with a construction company in Northern Ireland uses UAVs to develop highway construction and for adjoining quarry quantities. Improving infrastructure has become crucial to local and global economies due to increased strain on roads and public transport from a rising population. When GRAHAM Construction and its partner, Farrans, were jointly awarded the contract...