
Is Customer Education Worth It?

The most popular question I’ve been getting via phone and email recently comes in a few different formats, but the meaning is usually the same. “What is the average cost of a survey?” “How much does a survey cost?” And, my favorite incarnation: “I’ve been told by a trusted source that I spent too much...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 12/03/2021

2022 GeoWeek Awards Topcon opens new European distribution center in Zoetermeer Bluesky Aerial Photography used to Map Green Roofs NSPS Scholarship Applications Available LiDAR Market May be Worth $3.4 Billion by 2026 Capturing the Environment with a Lidar-equipped Helmet Advanced Aerial Mapping Provides Valuable Information to First Responders Generation of 3D Maps Placed in the...

Affordable GNSS: Post-Processing Kinematic in the Cloud

In 1990 I had the privilege to work with a group of pioneers in Canada in the early development of land surveying techniques using a revolutionary new technology known as global positioning system or GPS. Back then, there was only a handful of satellites and the availability of a workable constellation that would allow for...

xyHt Magazine Digital Edition: December 2021

Like a good surveyor, xyHt‘s December issue covers a lot of ground. This month we bring you stories about surveying, lidar, legal issues and an in-depth look at the emerging post-processing kinematic technology. As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy,...

PPK or RTK: Which is Best?

Know your PPK from your RTK: How GPS correction systems are changing our understanding of landscapes Accuracy and precision are essential for any mapping or surveying task. When deploying a drone to do either, pinpoint location information can be enabled with GPS correction technology. There are two emerging and developing methods for doing this, namely...

Riegl Officially Opens New Headquarters

On November 18th and under a persistent Florida drizzle, Dr. Johannes Riegl cut the ribbon that officially opened their new North American headquarters for business. Attended by over 150 people, Dr. Riegl and his son Johannes Riegl Jr., presided over a well-orchestrated and masterfully executed opening gala at the new Winter Garden, FL location. The...
