
The UAS Scene

The Association for Unmanned Systems International is a 10-year old association dedicated to tracking products, research, and applications for unmanned vehicles. This year’s conference in May in Orlando brought over 6,500 conference-goers to see products and information at the booths of over 500 exhibitors. The primary focus of the conference was airborne vehicles, but marine...

Publisher’s Desk: Evolution to xyHt

by Neil Sandler The decision to change an established three-decade-old brand into something new is one of the most difficult of my 40+ year working career. While I introduced the idea to my inner circle almost four years ago, ironically I was the final person who needed convincing it was the right thing to do....

State of: UAS

Multiple names and acronyms are used for this technology: UAS, UAV, and the sadly ubiquitous “drone.” The mapping industry avoids the military connotation of “drone” and prefers UAS (unmanned aerial system) to UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). UAS encompasses the entire system: the unmanned aircraft and sensor package, the ground control system, the control link, a...

State of: Technology in Oil and Gas

Perhaps more so now than when Bob Dylan first penned the lyrics to The Times They Are A-Changing, this title line carries a sense of urgency, and it continues to reverberate with a significance that transcends any specific moment in time. We now live in an age where nothing is more constant than change, and...

State of: Surveying

Surveying is the timeless science and profession of geographic measurement and boundary determination that has evolved over the centuries, constantly improving with advancements in technology to keep pace with the world around it. One aspect, however, has not and should not change: the fact that surveying is a profession. Per professional licensure and supporting laws,...
