
xyHt Links: 7/21/14

Topcon releases ScanMaster v3.0 with enhanced cloud capability Trimble Acquires the Omega Group to Expand its Public Safety Solutions Topcon adds cellular connectivity to HiPer SR for GIS

Web Mapping for Dummies – My Personal Experience

Mapserver or Geoserver … that is the question Okay, let’s clear this up right from the start. If you are building a web map system, you are going to be looking at open source. Sure, there are other methods like Mapbox, CartoDB, QGIS Cloud, LizMaps and others but they mostly promise a free system for...

Autodesk and Measurement

“After all of these years, I’m really happy to be able to say that Autodesk is now truly in the measurement business,” says Pete Kelsey, Autodesk’s strategic projects executive. Though he was quick to add qualifiers to that statement: “We are not in the measurement hardware business, but we are now more closely aligned with...

GIS Time-slices, Digital Media Over Time

Recently I was trying to track down some of my older URISA papers and presentations. I wanted to have all (most anyway) of my professional papers in one format together. Wow what a job (still in progress) with different Mac and PC formats over the years, different operating systems, different media and different hardware—what a...


“The actual state of our knowledge is always provisional and … there must be, beyond what is actually known, immense new regions to discover” – Louis de Broglie “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire” (European Council for Nuclear Research), the celebrated research center in Geneva, Switzerland and home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), holds...

Can You Hear the Shape of a Room?

There is a sort of scientific “sweet spot,” a window of discovery. It occurs when science turns a question into a potential solution to practical problems, even to problems that had been long dismissed as a “bridge too far.” If you can identify this sweet spot, you can trace the scientific roots of an emerging...
