
xyHt links: 11/21/14

Topcon announces new GLONASS signal tracking capability Explosive Ordnance Detection Aided by ProMark 120 Most Tariffs on GPS Equipment Could Soon Disappear International LiDAR Mapping Forum 2015 Program Announced EngineerSupply Expands to offer SitePro Surveying Equipment Scene Sharp Technologies Introduces Fuze Go® MS Sharp 2.1 Topcon announces new GLONASS signal tracking capability MAPPS Salutes GIS Day...

Artful GNSS

Things in the nation’s capital can happen quickly, but only when the parties involved agree to work closely together towards a common goal. Internationally renowned artist Jorge Rodriquez-Gerada was given six months to develop a plan and complete a six-acre painting using sand and topsoil. His canvas would be an incredibly high-profile piece of National...

Morphing Landscapes

Normally we create digital surface models (DSM) and elevation models (DEM) to analyze the topography and visual issues related to a project or issue. The requirement for accuracy and precision is paramount, ensuring that the correct method(s) of converting the data from raw source to an accurate model is more a work of art than...

All Over the Map

The regulations and uses of UAVs for mapping in Latin America are as diverse as those cultures, but their drivers are much the same as we see here in the United States. Using manned airplanes for aerial photography and photogrammetry is an especially expensive proposition for countries south of the Rio Grande. The reasons are...

Open Source

The door to open source geospatial software has been unlocked. It’s time to take a peek inside.   The open source geospatial movement is not purely about “free” (as in no cost). There truly are other aspects of “free,” as in “free to develop without constraints,” and free access to public geodata without necessarily having...

xyHt Links: 11/14/14

12/4 webinar focusing on commercial applications for indoor location USBLs and Hydrographic Processing Software new categories on Geo-matching Splitting, Expanding, Maturing, Polarizing …. GIS is Changing Scene Sharp Technologies Introduces Fuze Go® MS Sharp 2.1
