
UAVs for the Whole World

UAVs are fundamentally changing our world. From use in conservation, humanitarian relief efforts, precision agriculture, and a myriad of other commercial applications, more people are realizing the benefits UAVs can bring for changing businesses for the better and saving and improving people’s lives. A growing diversity of markets and applications are creating substantial opportunities for...

xyHt links: 1/9/15

Successful Operational Rollout of sUAS Sirol-110 v2015 SkyTraq Introduces GNSS Receiver Module Offering Continuous Positioning Navigating the Future of the Geospatial and Geomatics Sectors Trimble TerraFlex Advanced Enables Greater Productivity for GIS Professionals The Most Viewed News Items on Geo-matching PR Pecora ISPRS IAG Joint Symposium Presents Prestigious Awards

From the Field: What We Do

Work, work, work…time for a vacation! Unfortunately, with the economy still in the dumps my work load hasn’t been that great lately, but my brother Craig and I planned a wilderness canoe trip to the Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Quetico Provincial Park in Canada anyway.  We were going old-school, in wood canoes, one that...

Political Surveyor: Mobile Mapping and the MAP-21 Act

When Congress passed and President Obama signed the MAP-21 Act in July of 2012, mobile mapping may have been given a big green light. On July 6, President Obama signed into law H.R. 4348 that became Public Law 112-141.  The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century act included provisions reauthorizing the nation’s highway...

GNSS Next: Dream Time: Chip-scale Atomic Clocks

“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.” —Jeremy Irons Global Navigation Satellites may revolve around the world, but the world of Global Positioning Satellites revolves around atomic clocks, and each satellite typically carries multiple atomic clocks. These are very sophisticated (and very...

Gigglebytes: Mr. Fix It (a work of fiction)

I knew I was going to have a handful of a survey when I landed this particular project. When I was informed that I’d won the job I felt lucky that I’d included a substantial budget.  What I was asked to retrace was the NE quarter of the NE quarter of Section 1, Township 1...
