
Least Squares: The Great Arbitrater

When it comes to evaluating surveying and geodesy measurements, many people rely on the mathematical sophistication and primacy of least squares network analysis and adjustment to provide the “final answer.” While a few surveyors may be confident in the tightness of the solutions produced by their instrumentation and view this idea of adjusting survey networks...

“Protect and Serve” Your Business and Your Future

When I lead seminars in various states, I encounter surveyors of all ages, backgrounds, sizes, shapes, and economic positions. I see two things that break my heart. The first is a surveyor in the 70-year-old age bracket who is still working full-time, not because of a love of surveying but out of the necessity to...

Beaming Down

How can you add a multibeam system to your hydrographic survey operations? A company that provides equipment and integrates systems for marine positioning and survey products explains the priorities and steps. The hydrographic surveying industry continues to evolve its instrument technology. Project plans that used to be dominated by single beam echo sounders and DGPS...

Sharing the Vision

As a Canadian data-collection firm scans the horizon, it sees growth in its geo-referenced 3D photo services. Are you looking for ideas on how to expand your surveying services? How’s this for a cogent business model: Familiarize yourself with a particular industry full of potential clients, form a company committed to serving that industry, take...

Gravity’s Increasing Gravitas

The importance of gravity in land surveying (part 1 of 2). Click the following links to download the author’s original PDF of this article in three PDFs (they’re large): Gravity A, Gravity B, Gravity C. Gravity’s importance in geodesy has long been recognized. Beginning with Galileo Galilei’s (1564 – 1642) gravity experiments and theories in the late 16th century,...
