
Compass Data

CASE STUDY CompassData Ground Control Ensures Accuracy of Digital Aviation Maps Aviation mapping is rapidly transitioning from paper to digital, and CompassData is working hard to ensure the new maps are better than their predecessors. In just the past two years, CompassData crews have collected high-accuracy, globally consistent ground control points (GCPs) and generated satellite-derived orthoimages...

Measuring Form and Function

By K. Olaf Niemann The Hyperspectral-Lidar Research Group at the University of Victoria uses multisensor airborne remote sensing for vegetation mapping. Advances in sensor technology have, in recent years, allowed the remote sensing community the luxury of simultaneously acquiring data from complementary acquisition systems. We now have the ability to characterize a surface in terms...

Finding Fish Hotspots

Marine scientists bring multiple technologies together to locate reef fish aggregations, working towards healthy reefs and island economies. The livelihoods of tropical island communities depend on the vitality of reef fishes, either directly through recreational and commercial fishing or indirectly through healthy coral reef ecosystems that support eco-tourism. Yet, over the last several decades, the...

3D Scanning: Mobile Mapping: Survey Grade vs Mapping Grade

As mobile mapping systems become more commonplace the debate between accuracy and cost rages, with suppliers competing in terms of system performance as well as fitness for purpose. Here are some of the pitfalls and misperceptions associated with the selection and application of a mobile mapping system and a description of the differences between survey-...

Business Angle: Communication: The Two-way Street

Columnist Bill Beardslee, PLS, PE, PP, writes in this space about the importance of clear communication with your clients.  This month a surveying company based in New York shares their insights into client communication from more than 35 years of business, as they expanded into a multi-discipline, multi-state firm. Marketing your business and its services...

Software Review: Terrain Navigator Pro, Revisited

One of the most powerful productivity-boosting tools these days is probably that little machine right there in your pocket. Plenty gets written about how “mobile is taking over the world.” You’ve probably seen your smart phone changing the way you do your work, or maybe it has in ways you haven’t realized—and you could do...
