
Deep Thinking: Upgrades to a Chicago Water Treatment Plant

Upgrades to a Chicago water treatment plant pose technical and logistical challenges; an innovative surveyor is helping deliver the solution.    Editor’s Note: The lifespans of valuable infrastructure in both the public and private sectors can be extended far beyond the original design expectations. Upgrades can serve not only to maintain structural integrity and functionality,...

Feature: Mapping the Centerline

The North Carolina Railroad Company uses mobile lidar and historic research to monument the corridor and map the centerline of a busy rail line dating back to 1851.  Several years ago, the North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR) began using geospatial technology to augment its rail corridor management program. An article in this magazine (July 2010,...

History Corner: John Wasson: Surveyor General in Apache Land, Part 1

Arizona was made a separate surveying district on July 11, 1870.  It was a momentous occasion for the young territory.  Governor Anson P. K. Safford, newly appointed after his stint as surveyor general of Nevada, recommended his Nevada friend, newspaperman John Wasson, for the new position.   At his side in the recommendation of Wasson...

Editor’s Desk: Lobby Day

This past November, Thursday the 21st, was the annual Lobby Day for the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). Held in conjunction with the semi-annual meetings of NSPS’s Board of Governors and Board of Directors, this is an opportunity for representatives of the surveying community to meet with their state’s members of Congress and their...

Stories from the “E” File: Garibaldi’s Great Leap

The soap factory was going to be shut down. The people of Pied Gros, Louisiana, had been subjected to noxious smells, persistent flies, and environmental abuse for over 40 years, until 1969. The people had protested, filed suits, and appealed to elected officials for decades until the small fishing community finally won. However, the decision...

Go Wide

While you were waiting for your legacy plotter to respond, wide-format output technology quietly evolved to provide substantial productivity gains and superior quality. When you consider the state of legacy plotters and printers, think about all the time, not to mention frustration, you’ve spent waiting for files to upload to plotters, lengthy plot cycles (especially for...
