
East Side Surprise Fense

Boundary Lines: When a Fence Appears in the Middle of your Street

In early July 2014, the residents at the end of Eastside Drive, a tranquil community of lakeside homeowners in Cobb County, Georgia, were perplexed to see workers installing a fence, ostensibly down the middle of their paved road. When the fence was completed, and where homeowners once enjoyed the ability to back up their vehicles...

Web Waypoints: Maps as Database Reports

An interactive exercise merging the topo-graphical and the topo-logical.At the conclusion of the first article in this series (April 2013, “Databased Mapping”), I provided a web link for readers to respond to a brief list of questions about software they’ve used for surveying-related mapping purposes. Surprisingly, there were a statistically significant number of responses. Well,...

Busness Leader: SURV-KAP Celebrates More than 40 Years

W.C. Croft owned and ran several businesses in his lifetime, from an industrial pump company to an enterprise that provided the lights for the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. But the one with a special place in his heart was SURV-KAP LLC, based in Tucson, Arizona, producing monuments and other products for surveyors.As the firm recently...

Gigglebytes: I May Be Old, but at Least I’m Not Accurate

In the last five to six years, we in the survey field have been … let’s see how to put this delicately … free of insect bites and ticks, warm and dry, depressed, and disgusted, and we have had to attempt creative ways to pay the bills. But, as the economy improves, hope has begun to...

Around the Globe: Aleksey Korotya and Evgeniy Osadchiy Present Ramparts and Moats

Editor’s Note: The following paper is focused on the surveying and mapping of archaeological sites, but also examines a dilemma that surveyors face in nearly all of their work; balancing the highest possible positional quality with affordability and practicality. In an adaptation of their academic paper, Aleksey Korotya and Evgeniy Osadchiy present how they evaluated and...

Feature: Making Lewis and Clark Proud

Talk about a full arsenal of tools: this 80-year-old company provided all their services (plus an outside team of divers) to begin rehabilitating and replacing the Lewis and Clark Viaduct bridges in Kansas City, Kansas. It isn’t often that surveyors and mappers have an opportunity to apply a full arsenal of tools to complete a single...
