
xyHt News Links: 7/24/15

Trimble Unity Software for Water Utilities Adds Support for Advanced Asset Maintenance, BYOD GNSS Receivers and Esri ArcGIS Online Topcon releases ScanMaster v3.05 software upgrade

Top 5 Things to Do When You Install a New GIS Software

So, you’ve just downloaded the new QGIS release, latest ArcGIS, or maybe you are completely new to GIS and wondering how to even get started with this behemoth eating up your (or your employer’s) disk space.  Having done this MANY times over the last 15 years of working with geospatial software, I’ve noticed that there...

GPS-controlled robots can measure a site fully automatically and precisely anchor screws for the foundation of a solar plant.


Above: GPS-controlled robots can measure a site fully automatically and precisely anchor screws for the foundation of a solar plant. Measuring and Anchoring As a child I used to watch a program on BBC television called Tomorrow’s World. Once in 1981, I sat in awe as it showed a snooker-playing robot. My dreams were filled with...

Reed Sutter, support manager for automated meter infrastructure (AMI) and advanced meter reading (AMR) for SL-serco maps infrastructure at a water supply facility.

A Mapping App for Utility Assets

How a service provider for utilities implemented a mobile app to clock up efficiencies in advanced meter systems. Editor’s note: Mobile apps for asset mapping and mobile data management went from “new-cool” to essential in just a few years. In our April issue (see Mapping Peripheral) we tested a peripheral device that can add precision...

xyHt News Links: 7/17/15

PTFS to Unveil Droneware™ Geospatial Content Management System for Unmanned Aerial Systems at Esri Conference Topcon introduces new construction estimate and heavy hauling software solutions Fisher Unitech Now Offering Makerbot 3D Printers EngineerSupply launches a new website design engineered for its customers

Left: A hiker stands above the clouds at the Appalachian Trail’s northern terminus: the summit of Katahdin in Baxter State Park, Maine. Courtesy of Jeffrey Stylos.

Mapping the Appalachian Trail, Part 2

How the AT was brought into GIS via a collaboration among ATC staff, NSP professionals, and dedicated volunteers. Part 1 of this article (May 2015) reveals the history of the trail, particularly how the land that comprises it was surveyed. Read here about how the trail was brought into GIS.  In 1998, the Appalachian Trail...
