
At Aerospace Corp: A Tour of Aerospace Corporation

Chartered in 1960 during the peak of the space race, this independent, federally funded research and development center serves satellite and missile systems clients. Their government sponsor is the United States Air Force, more specifically the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), which includes the GPS directorate (SMC/GP, formerly the GPS Wing). The GPS Directorate...

The Future of Surveying: National Image, Recruiting & Education

Forum on the Future of Surveying I’ll admit that I didn’t know what I was agreeing to (or getting myself into) when I accepted the offer to attend the second Forum on the Future of Surveying meeting to represent the NSPS Young Surveyors. I read the summary of the first forum meeting and was extremely...

A Liebherr excavator equipped with MOBA assisted guidance.

NavCom GNSS: Moving Dirt Just Right

GNSS receivers help steer earth movers, providing users with accurate positions and no complexities. NavCom–a wholly owned subsidiary of John Deere–manufactures GNSS (global navigation satellite system) receivers for land survey, machine control, offshore, and military and government applications. One of its OEM partners is MOBA Mobile Automation AG, a German company specializing in measurement and...

Full Kit: xyHt Looks at Cutting-Edge Surveying Gear

Topcon releases a complete surveying suite. The release is timely. For forward-thinking firms trying to meet increased demand, two key challenges are staffing up and gearing up. Many firms that have not added crews or upgraded kit for more than a decade are looking to do both in a hurry. xyHt attended several surveying and...

HxGN LIVE 2016 Unscripted

We’re shaking things up By trying a different way to convey the latest news and views from Hexagon Geosystems (aka Leica Geosystems–we’ll get used to the new name); we put some of the experts at HxGN LIVE 2016 in front of a camera for unscripted Q&A. Follow the embedded links to open the videos in...
