
Todd Foster, Milestone Survey

21st Century Survey: Milestone Surveys’ Innovation Makes a Global Workstation

Milestone Surveys is a digital child of the current century: working in the cloud and across the globe while maintaining fundamental surveying practices. Extinction is certain for geospatial companies that plan to make a profit tomorrow the way they did yesterday. In order to survive and thrive in the 21st century, surveying businesses must blend...

The Prandtl-m is a conceptual fixed-wing drone for Mars mapping that will be tested this year from a balloon drop over Earth at an altitude of 35,000m to simulate Mars' thin atmosphere, 1/100th as dense as Earth's.

Surveying on Mars

The subject of Mars exploration and colonization is suddenly red hot. What role might there be for surveyors in this, the grandest of human endeavors? Above: The Prandtl-m is a conceptual fixed-wing drone for Mars mapping that will be tested this year from a balloon drop over Earth at an altitude of 35,000m to simulate Mars’...

Multiple screen use for up-to-date virtual mapping at BPG Designs

Orbit GT & Integration in the Mapping Business

A new software integration tool attacks what I call “workplace technology interplay denial.” Above: At BPG Designs, plenty of screens are filled with integration software. Through our smartphones, we are now integrated with all the people we know (and don’t know); we have integrated our work spaces with our home lives; and we can even...

xyHt News Links: 2/3/17

Following the Route of Climate Migrants GeoSLAM Launches Desktop V3 to Bolster its Indoor Mapping and Surveying Prowess SAM, LLC Founder Sam Hanna Announces Retirement Major Improvements on the Ellipse Series, the Popular Line of Miniature Inertial Sensors from SBG Systems TCarta Marine and Proteus Geo Announce Merger to Provide Comprehensive Bathymetry and Marine Mapping...

GPS Unit on a rock, Ice Bay, Alaska

The DPPS Controversy

Why NALS should oppose the direct Point Positioning Survey (DPPS) policy outlined in the letter from NLM director Kornze to the governor of Alaska. (One Nevada surveyor’s opinion.) By Carl C. de Baca Some 86% of Nevada is comprised of Public Lands, and of that 60.8 million acres, according to the BLM’s own website, an...

A professional portrait of James M Shaw in a green shirt and green tie

Industry Innovation: Are You Ready to be Relevant?

Slay the beast named Apathy with progress. This is a dire warning. There is a beast that threatens to destroy the land surveying profession. It is a danger to you, your company, your coworkers, and your employees. It sucks the life from all it contacts. Its victims are left empty, with a sense of impending...
