
Nearmap high-resolution aerial imagery of the Hoover Dam at 2.8" GSD.

Converging Worlds Data, Imagery, and the Pipes Below

Above: Hydromax USA data (sewer and gas) is combined with Nearmap imagery and Esri software, improving analysis and resource deployment. A data-collection company transforms its services with clear, streaming imagery. By Nicholas Duggan, FRGS, Cgeog (GIS) When you get new aerial imagery, the first thing you do is look up your house. (It’s okay, we...

Will You Be Replaced by a Robot?

Will You Be Replaced by a Robot?

It’s difficult to open a magazine or look at a news site on the internet and not run across the “robots are going to take your job” theme. So, I’ve been doing a bit of reading on the subject, and I’ve come up with some very basic criteria for determining if your job may be...

Using GNSS networks in construction saves time and reduces the potential for errors. Credit: Leica Geosystems.

GNSS in Construction

Above: Using GNSS networks in construction saves time and reduces the potential for errors. Credit: Leica Geosystems. Forward-thinking contractors are signing up for network subscriptions in record numbers as the benefits become more widely understood. By David Rowlett John Hugerich still remembers using a base station and setting up a local network for every stockpile...


GPR and Surveying at Hilti

High-tech tools for construction surveying can also be used by land surveyors and new surveyors. By Jeff Salmon Construction, both residential and commercial, is the second-largest industry in the world–surpassed only by agriculture. From site plans and stakeouts to as-built surveys and, now, BIM, construction has and will continue to provide a major market for...

Weekly News Recap from xyHt – 3/10/17

Orbit GT and GeoCue Group, USA, sign Reseller Agreement Topcon announces next generation concrete paving system Hemisphere GNSS Introduces IronOne Rugged Display & Computer for Machine Control Applications Hemisphere GNSS Introduces GradeMetrix™ Software for Machine Control and Guidance Applications Topcon announces agreement to bundle Bentley reality modeling software with UAS software solutions BIM: A New...
