
Foundations for Computing Error Ellipses, figure 2

Part 1: Foundations for Computing Error Ellipses

Standard Error Rectangle and Error Ellipse What is an error ellipse? One of the advantages of a least-squares adjustment over other methods is that a byproduct of the adjustment is not only the most probable values for the unknown coordinates but also standard deviations on these values Suppose for a moment that we are computing...

Should we settle on the Moon before Mars?

Back to the Moon? Or—Straight on to Mars?

Editor’s note: at xyHt and Pangaea we’ve been adding “geo-space-al” content into our geospatial mix, and readers have been responding positively. Surveying on Mars is a great example. When you think about it, geospatial technology and space are inextricably intertwined; from GNSS to satellite-based remote sensing, we rely on space-based technology to tackle almost every...

This large, cart-style GSSI GPR unit is mounted on a vehicle for sampling at reasonably high speeds.

HyperStacking GPR

A new technology shows promise for enabling users to see deeper targets and operate in noisy conditions. By Jeffrey Feigin, PhD Editor’s Note: The field of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is experiencing a new wave of development. For many of our readers, first impressions of legacy GPR gear included a lot of limitations and confusing images....

xyHt Weekly News Links: 4/21/17

RoboBusiness and TUS Expo Merger Launch of Global Robotics Events and Media Powerhouse Merrick Releases MARS(R) 2017 Software Suite Topcon introduces new GNSS receiver boardswith expanded constellation tracking

Mustang winner GeoShack Topcon Rosen Penkov

Topcon announces Mustang prize delivered to Elite Survey Suite contest winner

Topcon Positioning Group announces its Elite Survey Suite contest winner has accepted the new 2017 Ford Mustang GT Fastback grand prize. The Mustang was delivered to Rosen Penkov of R.V. Anderson Associates Limited at the GeoShack Concord, Ontario office. Participants in the U.S. and Canada who entered the contest demoed the Topcon Elite Survey Suite...

Leveraging Point Clouds

Above: This image illustrates the transition from point clouds to modeled deliverables. These non-BIM solids were later used for com-putational fluid dynamics analysis to ensure proper airflow throughout the room. Three ways you can derive value from point clouds past the pre-design phase. By Daniel Chapek Reality capture is a powerful way to digitize the...
