
A frequently used Coast & Geodetic Survey (predecessor to the NGS) marker set in 1933, across the bay from Seattle.

2022 and You

The year 2022 …. “And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run; you missed the starting gun.” —Time, by Pink Floyd (Gilmour, Wright) The year of the planned update of the U.S. national spatial reference system, 2022, looms large on the horizon and is...

xyHt Weekly News Links: 12/1/17

Hemisphere GNSS debuts scalable smart antenna Orbit GT releases 3D Mapping Publisher v18 3D Laser Mapping launches campaign to release open-source LiDAR data SimActive Introduces New Technology for True Orthos Marine-i Event creates an exciting vision of the future Applanix and Think 3D Deliver UAV Lidar Mapping with Direct Georeferencing GIS Tools in EDU PR...

xyHt Magazine December 2017 Issue

Click on the cover below to view the December 2017 issue of xyHt magazine. Articles from this issue include: (They appear as links as they go live throughout the month.) 2022 and You (The issue’s editorial) 2022: Monumental Changes, Part 1 The Geodude on the Value of 360° Digital Panoramic Images Maps as Art: The...

Clear lenses are designed for computer users who need to view an equally balanced color spectrum; amber lenses diminish the harshest part of the color spectrum for greatest protection.

Protecting Your Eyesight – at Your Desk

I use special glasses to reduce eye strain in my screen-centric workplace. The geospatial industry has evolved greatly over the last decade, and with the current evolution of our systems this trend shows no sign of slowing down. We are seeing more and more of what has traditionally been considered fieldwork being brought into the...


How to Use the New QGIS 3D

When QGIS revealed that they were going to add a 3D viewer, I was skeptical. Rumors were going around about it being a bolt on functionality and not really being fully adopted. To be perfectly honest, I was put off before there was anything to look at. As screenshots started to appear from Lutra Consulting,...

Commercial UAV Expo

Whole Lotta Droning Going On: Commercial UAV Expo: Part 2

Continuing with my look at last month’s Commercial UAV Expo, here’s more cool UAV-related gear. Thermal Imaging Drone Parrot is known mostly for being a provider of consumer-level drones (full disclosure, I have three of them). Now they are moving into the commercial market. One example is the Parrot Bebop-Pro Thermal. This quadcopter includes two...
