
Polar Motion Studies and NOAA’s Legacy of International Scientific Cooperation: Ukiah and Gaithersburg Latitude Observatories

Above image: A panoramic view of the Ukiah Observatory Park shortly before its dedication in April 2014. Credit: City of Ukiah archives. Editor’s note: Dana J. Caccamise II is the NGS regional geodetic advisor to California and Nevada. Dana has been instrumental in assisting the City of Ukiah with bringing their latitude observatory back to life to...

HxIP as CaaS

How a prominent manufacturer of mapping airborne sensors and solutions has partnered with customers to expand its global online content service. At HxGN LIVE 2015, the annual exhibition and conference for Hexagon (parent company of Leica Geosystems), CEO and president Ola Rollén spoke about a new area of focus for the company: content services, or...

Hans Martin Zogg

Hans Martin Zogg

Business Director for TPS, Leica Geosystems Switzerland Even though he’s “not a splashy guy” according to his nominator, Hans Martin Zogg has achieved a responsible, key position within the Leica Geosystems geomatics business in a short time. Most notably, he has been the product manager for the MultiStation product line, which combines a total station...

Infrastructure, BIM, and the Brothers Bentley

Infrastructure—the human footprint on the planet, the processes, systems, instrumentalities and built environment we inhabit—makes our lives possible. It provides the foundation for the lives we hope to live in the near and distant future. Modern infrastructure is the global tendrils of humanity, reaching all corners of the globe and binding us together in our...

Melanie Abuel

GIS Manager, Manila Water Company, Inc. Philippines As the (very young) head of GIS development at Manila Water, Melanie Abuel leads a team that serves 6M people while managing the assets of 6000 km of pipes and 250 facilities. In addition to database and GIS mobile application development, her team works on UAV and lidar...

xyHt Magazine January 2018 Issue

Click on the cover below to view the January 2018 issue of xyHt magazine. Articles in the issue include (links will turn live throughout January): Infrastructure, BIM, and the Brothers Bentley: Meeting the needs of the global infrastructure boom, Bentley Systems has forged technology partnerships; moved to erase the workflow barriers among surveying, engineering, and construction; and...
