
What’s Inside Your GNSS Rover? Part 1

The venerable GNSS rover, has evolved into an essential part of a surveyor’s toolkit, although some mystery remains as to what that magic box does and how it does it. To demystify this, we engaged GNSS engineers to help craft this three-part “explainer” series. Part one  The work of a surveyor requires a lot of...

Is It Really Impossible?

Looking Forward As the saying goes, it’s only impossible until it’s not. In the past when I’ve heard, or used, this bon mot I would think of the moon landing in 1969. I think of all the early astronomers who gazed at and intensely studied heavenly bodies, using them for navigation and location while knowing...

xyHt Digital Magazine: September 2023

xyHt magazine’s September issue goes inside the GNSS rover to see exactly what’s in it and reveal how the technology works its magic. As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy, don’t fret, here is the digital edition. Click here or...

Software is a Service

Transforming the Future with Reality Capture Software By Andreas Gerster  Compared to software, reality capture hardware has traditionally attracted the lion’s share of attention. Lasers, robots, cameras, and UAVs breathe modernity and innovation. They are market disruptors, make for impressive photographs, and they are tangible. Ultimately, they are the very essence of the future.   In...

Carlson Releases STEM Video Game: Hydrology Engineer

Carlson Software, celebrating its 40th anniversary as a company, has released a STEM video game—Hydrology Engineer. The video game is designed to teach hydrology, a subset of civil engineering, from a practical standpoint. Players will be introduced to both simple and complex concepts of hydrology work with the chance to compete for most efficient design...

xyHt Digital Magazine: July/August 2023

xyHt magazine’s combined July/August issue focuses on geographic information systems and and how the science has made its way into many aspects of our existence—how it is helping now and how it will help in the future. As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the...
