
Weekly xyHt News Links: 1/19/18

TeraBee Releases a New Low-cost & Long-range Sensor Matterport 3D Spaces now Google Street View Compatible, Firmware Update Improves Camera Speed The 2018 Commercial UAV Expo, Incorporating Drone World Expo, to Be Held in October in Las Vegas

No Job Is Too Big or Too Small

Alexandra Grounds, Founder & Director, Grounds Associates, Ltd. Editor’s note: In this year’s Outlook issue, we present trends in geospatial technologies and vision statements from key geospatial industry firms, but we also highlight smaller operations: the agile, tech-savvy, and talented practitioners and their teams. As the need for geospatial data and expertise grows, career paths...

No Roads, No Problem

A unique drone (the WingtraOne) helps a team meet the environmental challenges of planning a wind farm in the Alps. At a lofty altitude of 2500m above sea level, 20 wind turbines 100m tall need to be built. These wind turbines will produce 60 GWh per year to power 15,000 households. The engineering challenge is...

ArcMap Multipatch

Calculating Geometry outside ArcGIS Pro

Let’s be clear: this isn’t a stab at the all-new, singing and dancing Esri software. This post is meant to help those who are using the software on a regular basis but finding issues with using the fields with multipatch data. Recently I’ve been working with calculating volumes of buildings that are multipatch data. For...

Mark Edwin A Tupa

Mark Edwin A. Tupas

Instructor in the Department of Geodetic Engineering, the University of the Philippines, Philippines Noted for his dedication to improving the accessibility and utility of geographic information in the Philippines, Mark Edwin A. Tupas was nominated because he’s an inspiration to other geospatial professionals in the region. Mark teaches remote sensing, spatial databases, and object-oriented programming. He...

Data for Slums – A geospatial analysis of living conditions of the Pakistani poor helps to improve them.

The tendency for cities is to grow: spatially, by population, or both, and in Pakistan’s capital of Lahore, it’s been both. Urban growth leads to uncontrolled population and unplanned areas, usually along the edges of cities. Rapid urban population growth has outpaced the ability of city authorities to provide housing, environmental protections, and health infrastructure....
