
What’s New EagleView?

A conversation with EagleView CEO, Piers Dormeyer about aerial imaging markets, value-added services, and what role could, and is playing in the sector.

The Still-Essential Skill of Cartography 

Looking Forward  When my kids were in high school, I made them learn to read a map. Their mother was incapable in this capacity, but still rode shotgun even though she had no ability to navigate us out of difficulty. When I got off course, I’d toss the map in the back seat and tell...

xyHt Digital Magazine: July/August 2024

xyHt magazine’s July/August 2024  issue focuses on surveying and mapping, with an in-depth look at a map maker of the future and a profile of up-and-coming Stonex. As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy, don’t fret, here is the digital...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 06/28/2024

The Black Cape Scholarship for Women in Geospatial Intelligence  EUSI Delivers SAR Imagery to DLR for Rapid Mapping of Southern Germany Floods  Smart Cities Increase Drone Usage Worldwide  Woolpert to Collect Aerial Lidar Data Across So. California for USGS  Surveying Equipment Market size is set to grow by USD 2.72 billion from 2024-2028     

A Digital Twin of Bandelier National Monument

Two graduate students, Gracie Meek and Jialei Tang from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, are capturing the past with new geospatial digital tools. Their recent project at the Bandelier National Monument is a remarkable intersection of cultural heritage and cutting-edge technology.

A National Imperative

Protecting both legacy and green offshore energy sources with new technologies should be a national priority For the foreseeable future, the world’s economy will depend on energy. This energy comes in two primary types: “legacy” sources such as oil and gas, and “green” energy sources such as solar and wind. Increasingly, nations and energy companies...
