
Gizem Karslioglu

Technical Support Engineer, Seiler Instrument Indiana, USA “I would encourage folks when they pursue studies in natural sciences to consider their preferences, not their background,” says Gizem Karslioglu. “If you like spending your time outside and not behind a desk, you should be ready to try geo careers. Geo careers can have you working on...

Emilie Novaczek

PhD Candidate, Marine Geomatics Research Lab, Memorial University Newfoundland & Labrador Canada While still at the beginning of her career, Emilie Novaczek has already gained the attention of the marine mapping and research community as well as acclaim for her work in related youth education, volunteer coordination, and mentorship. And Novaczek does a lot of...

Jackie Wong

Business Development Manager, Chain Technology Development Co. Hong Kong, China It’s sometimes hard to keep up with the evolution of AEC and infrastructure development—with so many new concepts and technologies. Even practitioners of the arts of surveying, mapping, and engineering must juggle learning new methods and machinations while assuring clients, partners, and stakeholders that all...

What’s within a 30-minute Walk – Revisited

I recently had reason to be in London for a short meeting and walked past London Bridge, looked at the sky around me, and thought, “I wonder how accurate that map I made last year is?” I was fortunate to have my camera phone with me so that I could take a few pictures. The...

Alice Gadney

Founder & President, Silver7 Mapping & Mini Map-Makers Bedford, England “Captain Alice” Gadney’s mission underscores much of the geospatial work done globally: “To help people understand the world around them and their need for a great communications tool—the map.” She applies this mission to her work with industries and organizations through her cartography company, Silver7...

Elena Buenrostro

Founder & CEO, Women Who Drone New York, USA By the summer of 2018, the Federal Aviation Administration of the U.S. had already reached the 100,000 mark for part 107 small UAS operator registrations. The number of units for non-military UAS is expected to triple to over three million units by 2022—or more. Elana Buenrosto...
