
Surveying Mentoring Program – Arizona

A new land surveying mentorship program is launching in Arizona. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin The Launch In 2019, the United Surveyors of Arizona, a member-driven non-profit, is developing and facilitating the first ever officially sanctioned surveying mentorship program in Arizona....

Why I Heart My Geospatial Job

Above: Marc wears a poncho given to him by his students in Paraguay. xyHt celebrates Valentine’s Day by sharing the love our contributors feel about their geospatial careers. Marc Delgado Loves His Students’ Reactions I love to see and hear my students’ initial reactions when they draw their first map from memory. I’m now in...

Dale Atkinson

Director & Cadastral Surveyor, Atkinson & Booy Surveys Queensland, Australia The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) is a premier organization for promoting excellence in these fields, chiefly in Australia but with growing global recognition. At the 2017 Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards in Queensland, few attendees were surprised that the Young Professional of the Year...

Sponsored: GreenValley International Releases Handheld Mobile LiBackpack C50 to Meet Demands for More Sophisticated and Affordable 3D Mapping Systems

GreenValley International, a 3D mapping hardware integrator and software developer for processing point cloud data, announced the release of its latest handheld mobile LiDAR scanner, the LiBackpack C50. The LiBackpack C50 features a 360° panoramic camera along with the LiDAR and SLAM integration mainstays and was developed in response to increasing demand across a variety...

Mahtab Moteab

Geospatial Data Analyst, Geocurve Ltd. Kelvedon, UK Mahta Moteab began her geospatial career with an associate degree in civil engineering technology at the Technical Faculty of Surveying, Tehran, then a Bachelor of Surveying Technology at the Darolfonoon Institute of Higher Education. She has worked as a cartographer, and in photogrammetry as technician, and then as...
